We are proud to announce and would like to formally acknowledge that Robert (Bob) L. Bowles has been inducted into the Orillia Hall of Fame. Congratulations Bob! We had the good fortune to attend the reception and induction ceremony on October 30th, 2023. Bob's friends and students were there, Jayne Peacock, Jon and Deb Wagner of Friendship Force Lake Simcoe and many more. And of course Bob's wife Connie and their son Scott were in attendance.
Bob Bowles on stage at the induction ceremony

The Orillia Hall of Fame was established in 1964 to recognize residents, or past residents, of Orillia and area for their outstanding accomplishments. The award serves to build upon the history of our city and the incredible patrons who have built its past and present
For more information about the Orillia Hall of Fame please visit https://www.orillia.ca/en/city-hall/resources/Boards_Committees_Minutes/CommemorativeAwards/HoFameBook2020-web.pdf
Bob was one of 4 chosen for achieving excellence and widespread recognition in his field of nature; conserving, preserving, protecting and educating the citizens of Orillia and those living beyond. Bob is a leader, an activist, a scholar and a visionary in his field. He received the Citizen of the Year award in 2006 and in 2007 he was awarded the prestigious Order of Orillia. Bob has been recognized for his community and environmental work with various awards from Dominion of Canada, Province of Ontario, Conservation Authorities, MNR, Ontario Nature and Nature Conservancy of Canada, just to name a few. It is only fitting for Bob to be inducted into the Orillia Hall of Fame.
Donald McIsaac, Mayor of Orillia, congratulating Bob Bowles

In 2014 Bob founded the Ontario Master Naturalist Certificate Program at Lakehead University in Orillia and Thunder Bay, Ontario. He continues to coordinate this first of its kind program, educating citizen scientists about 'all things nature', encouraging all to protect and respect their environment. Bob continues to be our lead teacher here at the Nature Centre offering educational programs and facilitating a deeper connection with nature.
A photo of Bob and a short biography will be on display at the Orillia City Centre along with the other 50+ inductees. Some of those other inductees are Franklin Carmichael, Inducted 1966, Gordon Lightfoot, Inducted 1971, Stephen Butler Leacock, Inducted 1970, and The Honourable Lester M. Frost, Inducted 1966.
Once again Congratulations Robert (Bob) L. Bowles on your induction into the Orillia Hall of Fame.

Congratulations and well deserved. Orillia is lucky to have you. See you in Owen Sound next year for Earth Day:)